
Best free folder lock software
Best free folder lock software

If you want to free download affordable folder lock software, Since the potential risks of free folder lock software outweigh their benefits, they are not recommended to protect your files or folders.

best free folder lock software

Therefore, if things go wrong during use, no tech support is available.


No Guaranteed Support: the user support for free folder lock programs can be lacking or nonexistent. Thus, your computer is threatened to virus infection and information leakage as you use them. Security risks: these free folder lock software are open-source that they are easy to be exploited by malicious users. Not free at all: although free folder lock software have free license, there may still be some indirect costs involved, such as paying for external support. But they still have some defects we can't ignore. These four free folder lock software have no license fee and the same features as paid applications. Best free folder lock software for Windows Here under comes with list of four best free folder lock software for Windows. Folder lock software is able to protect our files/folders from unauthorized access. To protect all our important files and folders, the easiest way out for us is to use folder lock software. If we leave these files unprotected, they are easily to be accessed, modified, deleted, stolen, misused by someone else.

best free folder lock software

However, what a pity that none of the version of Windows operating system allows us to lock individual files or folders with passwords. Some of these data might be our personal files and private documents that we are unwilling to share with others. We all know computer can be used for storing large amount of data. Posted by Katrina to Home > File Protector on December 22nd, 2017

Best free folder lock software